To begin with Golden Golden Greek tortoise for sale We have some beautiful golden Greek tortoises in stock. These golden Greek tortoises have vibrant golden/yellow colors on their heads, bodies, and shells. We only select top-quality captive golden Greek tortoises focusing on healthy active tortoises with vivid colors and markings. Golden Greek tortoise for saleGolden Greek tortoises are fantastic animals with great outgoing personalities and beautiful colors and markings. They will eventually eat out of the owner’s hand and learn fast to come when they see you.
Baby Golden Greek tortoises for sale
Our baby Golden Greek tortoises for sale are top-notch and ready to ship to you via FedEx Overnight in heated or cooled insulated shipping containers and come with our live arrival and full 7-day health guarantee. Also, be sure to check out our Ibera Greek tortoise selection. One shipping charge covers up to 4 Greek tortoises for sale. If you are looking for more information on Greek tortoise care, visit our Greek tortoise care sheet.
Golden Greek tortoise habitat
Both species are common in moderate to hot arid climates and both may remain fairly active late into the winter, aestivating partially submerged into shallow pits or burrows, retreating for brumation only during the coldest times of the year. The natural diet of both species is similar to that of other Greek tortoises (T. graeca) consisting of edible weeds, thistles, and vegetative debris.: Golden Greek tortoise size: Maximum adult shell length of 7 inches for T. flower and 11 inches for T. terrestris, males often being considerably smaller at maturity than females.
Golden Greek tortoise for sale – ENCLOSURE:
As with most tortoises, these do better when kept in outdoor enclosures, especially in warm, arid climates. However, caution should be taken in wet, humid areas of the country. as these species are prone to issues with both respiratory disease and shell infections when kept too wet. Outdoor enclosures should be moderately sized for adults, at least 4’X4′ is necessary.
When housing your new golden Greek tortoise for sale indoors use of a “tortoise table” or large storage tubs is recommended versus glass aquariums as these allow better ventilation and will prevent the tortoise from constantly trying to walk through the clear glass.
Greek tortoise SUBSTRATEFor outdoor enclosures avoid gravel or sand as these may be ingested and result in impactions. For indoor enclosures, I recommend cypress mulch or packed-down organic topsoil
Greek tortoise for sale – TEMPERATURE
Golden Greek tortoises are fairly temperature tolerant and are usually active outdoors as long as highs remain in the 70s, however, little food should be offered with the lower temperatures. The preferred optimal temperature zone is between 85-95 degrees. Outdoors will retreat into cooler burrows in hotter weather. Indoors, a basking heat lamp should be provided. Temperatures are controlled with a digital thermometer or infrared thermometer. Thermostats are also useful to assure temperatures remain fairly constant within the enclosure.
Greek tortoise LIGHTING
Golden Greek tortoises require UVB lighting in order to process calcium properly. UVB lighting should be provided using either fluorescent (tube or “spiral” bulbs) or mercury vapor bulbs designed specifically for use in reptiles. Place UVB lighting no greater than 12 inches from the basking site. Connecting it to a timer is good in order to provide approximately 14 hours of light and 10 hours of darkness. For more information on UVB lighting, click here.
Golden Greek Tortoise Diet & Golden Greek Tortoise water
Feed Daily/Staple – Spring Mix, Mazuri Tortoise chow, Alfalfa (plants), Cactus pad/leaf (prickly pear), Cactus pear (prickly pear), Collard greens, Dandelion greens, Endive, Escarole, Mustard Greens, Squash (acorn, butternut, Hubbard, scallop, spaghetti, summer), and Turnip greens.
More than Just Golden Greek Tortoises For Sale
Cb Reptile is proud to offer OVER 20 species of healthy, captive-bred baby tortoise for sale online including Greek tortoises for sale online, Hermann’s tortoise, as well as many other species of tortoise for sale and turtles for sale. Land turtles, also known as box turtles for sale are also available at CB.
lastly, As tortoise breeders, we focus on using only the best breed stock to provide our customers with healthy, happy, and active top-quality specimens that are sure to please any turtle or baby tortoise enthusiast for decades to come. Our tortoises for sale online include nothing but 100% captive-bred tortoise breed stock.
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